Sunday, 5 June 2016

Why wastewater management is the need of the hour.

With the ever deteriorating state of water usage and accessibility in India, alternatives methods to conserve and use water are coming into the fore-front. The improving technology beckons us to adopt ways in which we can conserve and treat water, much of which is going to help us in the present as well as the subsequent generations. Let us understand why wastewater management is becoming such a prominent prospect with the time.

What is wastewater management?

As the name suggests, wastewater management offers solutions to convert water, which is no longer fit for use into water that can be re used or that can be used to recharge the water cycle.  It consists of elements like human waste, food scraps, oils, chemicals. In the domestic sphere, water from sinks, , toilets, washing machines and dishwashers are the main elements of wastewater. However industries also contribute their share of used water that can’t be used for further consumption. Wastewater management involves a sophisticated system of removing the impurities from waste water so that it becomes fit for consumption again. A number of reasons have made wastewater management crucial and fairly inevitable today. With time, wastewater management will occupy a major portion of water usage and accessibility.

Reasons that create a need for wastewater management

•    Contamination: The release of industrial effluents and waste, a large component of which is toxic chemicals, renders not only the marine life deeply harmed but also contributes to major pollution of our water bodies. This includes lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. This practice is even more alarming in developing nations of Asia and Africa, who are still a few steps behind in devising safer and viable methods of waste management when compared to the developed nations of the west.
 This means that every day a large portion of water bodies become unfit for use, depleting the water resources. The need to treat this water for our use as well as those who will come after us, can only be made possible via wastewater management

•    Existing shortage: according to statistics 1 in every 10 human beings lacks access to safe drinking water, these figures, keeping in mind the nature of industrial waste (which is ever increasing) will only grow in the future. The future of water accessibility is in grave danger at the cost of economic development.

The need to consider and execute more viable, environment friendly ways to manage waste water, which are also cost effective for governments and industries, is a complicated feat to achieve. However, there are companies dedicated to the cause, who have devised solutions for waste and wastewater management at viable costs. These undertake wastewater management projects and help industries minimize their damage, paving the way for a sustainable development model. One such example can be endeavors under the Alpha Utilities projects, which aim at offering sustainable solutions for the present and the future.

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